Do y'all have any music or playlists you find particularly helpful when trying get work tasks done? (The computer kind of work) to – 46 points –

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A few years ago, I found the music genre Math rock (especially instrumentals) which has been phenomenal for whenever I have to be productive, since my brain is hyped and busy enough to not bother me with thoughts, but not too busy to be completely distracted. I swear it's like handing my toddler brain a tablet just to have a few minutes of uninterrupted time to be able to do some Adult Things like writing emails and uni stuff.

if someone is interested, I can drop the link to my Math rock playlist on Spotify

Edit: Here you go, a link for my little playlist with mainly Math rock tracks (aptly called "Traubenzucker", which is German for "dextrose" lol):

I think this link only works for a week, so if the link is invalid, just send me a message and I'll send you a new one :)

Also interested. I also like math rock on occasion. It makes for a great task soundtrack. Much like video game music, it kind of adds a sense of urgency to whatever you're doing, like beating the clock or setting a new high score, but it's doing the dishes. I'd be curious to see how your Playlist differs from what I normally listen to.

Do you have any recommendations for me? I'd love to expand my playlist with more songs - I usually get my recommendations from Spotify or YouTube, but personal recommendations are much more valuable :)

Hell yeah! Honestly I'm a metal head so I like a lot of heavy guitars and drums. My favorite band, August Burns Red, have put out a few instrumental versions of their albums and that's usually my go to. But I like a lot of others. Polyphia The Algorithm Andromida Berried Alive Bernth I Built the Sky Animals as Leaders Volumes

Those are most of the ones I can think of right now. If you want more I can get on my spotify later and look through my playlists.