Climate scientist says 2/3rds of the world is under an effective 'death sentence' because of global warming to World – 451 points –

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I'm not from there, so I don't give a shit. All I care about is that 90s had no climate collapse, no AI, no fuckups every 3 years or so and live in general was better.

Were it for me, 70s, 80s and 90s on a loop forever and whoever loses from it... well, shucks, I'm not one of them.

White, male, late 30s? Just trying to see whose behind the keyboard a little bit.

Coming late to the party, but early 20s, white, male. I care more about climate change not being as bad back then than whatever was happening to Bumfuckland at the time tbh.

I'm going early 30s white dude. Yea I remember it used to be way worse as far as emissions. In the 90s the sun was yellow lol