Donald Trump abruptly ends interview: "We're in danger"

Jo to – 288 points –
Donald Trump abruptly ends interview: "We're in danger"

EDIT: Commentary removed.


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Sounds like SS told him that. He said security doesn’t want us here.

Did someone come up and whisper in his ear? Was he wearing an earpiece? If he knew ahead of time that "security [didn't] want [him] there," security wouldn't have let him be there in the first place.

He may have dined with RFK Jr.

It sounds like he didn't like the questions being asked and this is his new way of ending an interview.

While I'm not a fan of tfg, and I don't know whether he's lying or telling the truth, there's legitimate reason to take his comment seriously. We may not like him, but the SS has a job to do.

It could be all of the above. It is hard to say with Trump. I agree the SS has a job to do and after their last screw up, they are being overly cautious