What are some fun ways to prank an asshole neighbor I'm moving away from?

Waldowal@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 109 points –

Not really me. A friend of mine is moving out of state. His neighbor has been a total dick the entire time he's lived there. Constantly commenting on how my friend's yard isn't as good as his. Mean to my friend's wife and kids for no reason. Just an asshole of a person.

What are some ideas for fun pranks my friend can leave behind?


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If you wanna spend money, glitter mail. or if its a house, set up a flood light pointed at their house and set it up on a random timer for only at night and blast them with "security" lighting.

Attract tons of wild life with the food you need to get rid of.

Sign up for grindr and start sending people their way.

Learn the noise ordinance laws and maximize that to the fullest for a short period

Stand on the property line constantly and try looking through their windows, or watch them, if they approach, quickly leave (don't enter their property)

Sign them up for stuff. Especially if you can find their email through LinkedIn etc.

Or, just move on since they will be out of your life regardless, don't spend your energy on them,they aren't worth it

Edit: Actually rather than grindr, send scalpers, leave good people out of these shenanigans