Squad Member Summer Lee Says Pelosi Wrong That Harris Should Govern From Center: ‘Progressive Ideals’ Are ‘What Average American Wants’

jeffw@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 815 points –
Squad Member Summer Lee Says Pelosi Wrong That Harris Should Govern From Center: ‘Progressive Ideals’ Are ‘What Average American Wants’

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You lied. Cannabis is still Schedule 1. "We're looking into it" is not an accomplishment. You lied so we're done. If you don't like that, you shouldn't have lied.

Oh so instead I may have gotten a little ahead of the ball. Like wow you're still being pedantic. Instead of actually responding.

Have at being upset, I think everyone can see you're just trying to use it as an out instead of an intellectual response. Like how you keep saying you're done, but you keep coming back.