TIL Debian releases are named after Toy Story characters

Charger8232@lemmy.ml to Linux@lemmy.ml – 285 points –

The codenames for every major Debian release are named after characters from Pixar's Toy Story franchise. Debian's unstable release is fittingly named after Sid, an unstable character from the Toy Story movies.


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It made me wince when Android did away with its dessert based codenames and now they're just 'Android 12' etc. It really went corporate after that direction.

And please tell me RebeccaBlackOS shows a cool popup or console message every Friday.

They didn't:

  • Android 12: Snow Cone
  • Android 13: Tiramisu
  • Android 14: Upside Down Cake
  • Android 15: Vanilla Ice Cream

They stopped using the codenames in marketing, but they are still there.

Happy to be corrected. But I still wished they were used prominently as it used to be before.