best linux terminal emulator to – 84 points –

what is the best linux terminal? I have been using alacritty for years and have been doing well. But I don't think kitty and st. I was wondering if any new projects have come out in recent years.


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People keep recommending terminal emulators, but I think they're missing your point.

I'm not aware of anyone making new terminals these days. In my opinion DIGITAL is still king. They are getting a bit hard to come by. VT220 used to be the gold standard, but a VT420 or VT520 is still worth it if you can find one.

Looks like there are a few VT420s on eBay going for up to $200. Prices aren't what they used to be.

They specifically mentioned alacritty which is a terminal emulator

Yes, and now they're looking for a real terminal

Ah yes you can tell by the post title:

best linux terminal emulator