Right-wing influencers were duped to work for covert Russian influence operation, US says

realcaseyrollins@thelemmy.club to News@lemmy.world – 2 points –
Right-wing influencers were duped to work for covert Russian operation, US says

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God i hate popular media - always trying to change the narrative with these misleading headlines.

Being a paid russian asset isn’t being duped. I hope those things rot in prison.

The idea that doing something with someone who turns out to be a foreign asset makes you a conspirator is a bit ridiculous. I don't see anyone in this community accusing Kathy Hochul of being a Chinese asset since she's a Democrat, but accusing her of that would be ridiculous too. She probably didn't know that her aide was a Chinese agent.


They knew the people paying them worked from a Russian timezone, they actually put it in an email.

Is Russia the only country in a Russian timezone?

The law only cares if they were lobbying for a foreign country. If it was China, India or Australia paying the bill, they would still be breaking the law.