Instance admins, how much does it cost you to run your instance? How much does that represent per active user? to – 10 points –

Question triggered by the other post about instances shutting down due to costs

Summary of the answers:

  • lowest number so far: with 0.03€ per user per month
  • a few others (, have around 0.11$ per user per month
  • obviously single user instance have higher costs

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Oh man, I feel like is on the expensive side of things now. There's less than 20 mau, but I pay close to $400/mo. Not including object storage or hardware running at home.

Realistically this is hosted on hardware I was already renting for other reasons, so actual cost is zero for lemmy itself. I could probably migrate to a small vm for $20/mo and only lose redundancy.

There’s less than 20 mau, but I pay close to $400/mo.

Wait, what?

It's infra that was already hosting other things. Lemmy got added to it because there were spare resources in the cluster.