Biden promised no jail time for weed. He's running out of time to pardon cannabis convicts.

Verdant to politics – 354 points –

With the president's decision to drop out of the race, he has effectively begun a longer lame-duck period, which is historically when most presidential clemency grants have occurred.


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I don't remember exactly if you used to have points, but the mask sure came off. You don't have points. All you have is pedantic games and being mad.

What can I say? I don't like being lied to. Cannabis still hasn't been rescheduled, and you keep spreading the misinformation that it has.

You know it's generous to even call it pedantic. I don't know what it is.

But it's a sure thing that you want to keep you mad. I mean you're still on it what a month later? lol. Over, again pedantic is being too generous.

I mean, your lie hasn't become true in the interim.

Like look at yourself dude. What a whole month later and you're still foaming at the mouth over a phrase that you want to be pedantic on.

Like way to show that all you want to do is can be mad lol.

You lied and have been pretending you didn't ever since.

Yeah you don't even dispute that you're foaming at the mouth a month later lol (over a phrase that you want to be pedantic on). Oh are you going to look up if it's a been exactly a month so that you can be mad about that too? Oh man.

Keep up the misinformation campaign.

Again you don't dispute that you're just mad and foaming at the mouth. Over a phrase lol. That you want to be pedantic on.

Is cannabis rescheduled?

More attempts at being pedantic. We already discussed this, you can say I was a little ahead of the ball. But you didn't accept that, you're off to being mad. For a month!

We already discussed this, you can say I was a little ahead of the ball.

No, you say that because you got caught lying.

Has cannabis been rescheduled?

Still at it huh? I already said I might be a little bit ahead of the ball. But you want to play pedantic games. For a month lol.

Like the longer this goes, the more you take the mask off. You're not discussing, you're not making any real points, all you have at your core is finding a way to pedantically attack people.