Jane Fonda rallies disaffected young US voters: ‘Do not sit this election out’

Peter Link@lemmy.ml to News@lemmy.world – 159 points –
Jane Fonda rallies disaffected young US voters: ‘Do not sit this election out’

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/20641619

[Excerpt on #Gaza: "If you really care about Gaza, vote to have a voice, so you can do something about it. And then, be ready to turn out into the streets, in the millions, and fight for it."]

Mark Hertsgaard
Mon 23 Sep 2024 06.00 EDT


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Sometimes she's cool. Other times, she's doing the racist "Tomahawk Chop" when watching Atlanta Braves games with her former husband, Ted Turner.

Human. We're all human with our positive and negative traits.

That's quite the excuse for blatant racism from someone who definitely knew better.

I'm not defending her.

I pointed out she's a racist.

Your response was:

We’re all human with our positive and negative traits.

That's clearly a defense. Overt racism is not just a "negative trait."

Jane Fonda absolutely knew it was racism too.


I'm saying we all have horrible traits, even me and you. I've got native blood in my veins, among other races. Doesn't stop my own family with the same blood from being racist against ourselves.

This still sounds like a defense. Otherwise why bring it up? Who said no one had bad traits?

Do you just stay in hostile mode? Take a breath.

Again, why bring it up if it wasn't a defense and no one claimed otherwise?

Because I'm allowed to make observations, except by that one mod, so far.

I'm not your enemy. I did notice over the last two days when I felt blech, I was more reactive. And it's habit-forming and counter -productive. I can notice good people have bad traits and bad people have good ones. It doesn't mean anything other than humans are humans, unless you're spoiling for a fight. Have a great day. I'm not bickering with you.

I never said you were my enemy. I'm not a mod here. I also never said you were allowed to make observations. I just asked you why you brought it up.

The fact that you refuse to explain why you brought it up sort of supports my implication that you've been defending her.

And no, I'm not saying you are required to give me an explanation either. But if you don't, I will simply say you've been defending her.

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...or being photographed sitting on an anti-aircraft gun aimed at American service members.

She did that?

She did support Norrh Vietnam in their self defence against US colonialism, and US right wingers are still furious at her for doing that. And that just makes her cooler.

Not a right-winger, but a son of a Vietnam vet. I don't have issues with peaceful protests. Kent State was a stain on our country. But protest the war and the politicians, not against the soldiers. Would rather her name not be connected to Harris/Walz.

The soldiers who mass bombed civilian targets and dropped more bombs on North Vietnamese cities than where dropped during the entirety of WWII? Nah, fuck them.

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