Creator Of PS1 Emulator DuckStation Threatens To "Shut The Whole Thing Down" Following License Change to Open – 241 points –
Creator Of PS1 Emulator DuckStation Threatens To "Shut The Whole Thing Down" Following License Change

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Remember Marak Squires, the author of faker.js and color.js? Dude is unhinged in real life, tried making a bomb, nearly got himself killed, and was arrested for arson.

The author of Anarch, Miloslav Číž, also known as drummyfish and tastyfish, is another one of those weirdos - he's one of those stereotypical - "Go read my manifesto" type of guy. He's got his own website (warning: anti-LGBTQ+, social construct denialism, pro-pedophilia). He's also unhinged in the sense that he's posted lots of weird, disturbing shit (warning: blood, naked 3D model) online.

Free speech has to be absolute

Movements such as (removed irrelevant part) shouldn't be supported

Make up your mind, my dude.

Reading further into his... thoughts... I think he's far beyond what I would consider "unhinged", and considering his 14th point, probably in possession of hard drives that authorities might want to investigate.

I also discovered that there was a Slovak MEP by the same name who was really passionate about chicken legs.