Jane Fonda rallies disaffected young US voters: ‘Do not sit this election out’

Peter Link@lemmy.ml to politics @lemmy.world – 237 points –
Jane Fonda rallies disaffected young US voters: ‘Do not sit this election out’

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/20641619

[Excerpt on #Gaza: "If you really care about Gaza, vote to have a voice, so you can do something about it. And then, be ready to turn out into the streets, in the millions, and fight for it."]

Mark Hertsgaard
Mon 23 Sep 2024 06.00 EDT


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I'm just barely old enough to for Jane Fonda having an opinion to be meaningful for me in any way, and I'm in my 50s. How on earth is she going to rally "disaffected young US voters" when most of them have likely never heard of her?

I'm just barely old enough to recall when Sir Mixalot alleged that Jane Fonda does not have a motor in the back of her Honda. I agree that she is not likely to make strong inroads with Gen Z.

I’m just barely old enough to recall when Sir Mixalot alleged that Jane Fonda does not have a motor in the back of her Honda.
