Putin’s much-feared ‘Satan 2’ nuclear missile failed 4 out of 5 tests

MicroWave@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 633 points –
Putin's Much-Feared 'Satan 2' Nuclear Missile Failed 4 Out of 5 Tests

Russian President Vladimir Putin has suffered an emabarassing setback as his feared Satan 2 nuclear arsenal failed four out of five missile tests, according to arms experts and satellite imagery from the launch site.

High-resolution satellite images of the launch pad at Russia's Plesetsk test site, where the RS-28 Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile exploded, shows extensive damage.

A crater approximately 60 meters wide at the launch silo at the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in northern Russia, along with visible damage in the surrounding area that was not present in images taken earlier in the month.


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.ml moment

No, the .ml moment would be something like "don't believe your lying CIA eyes, all the non-Western nations are working together in beautiful anti-imperialist harmony and very competent".

This seems like a normal take from someone who happens to be on .ml.

Most propaganda isn't that obvious. It often seems normal and a lot of it is actually based on the truth.

Internet "anti-imperialists" wish they were getting paid, which is what propaganda implies. In reality, it's Qanon but gay-friendly.

I expected a .ml to show up huffing copium when I saw this thread, wasn't disappointed. So predictable.

It's copium to acknowledge that Ukraine and Russia were part of the same country 58 years ago, and that modern Russia and Ukraine are able to achieve far less than the USSR was? This is evidenced by both countries primarily fighting with 30+ year old weapons.

I guess basic historical literacy is tankie shit now.