Thank you for all the help! to – 55 points –

Hi there, I was intrigued by the idea of self-hosting my social media accounts, but was more or less a complete noob with all things hosting. However, with the help of the community here (and quite a few hours spent on it) I finally have a working setup! Mastodon, Matrix, Lemmy, Nextcloud all self-hosted behind Nginx Proxy Manager.

Google can find a lot of answers, but sometimes some really specific input is needed - which you guys have provided over the last couple of weeks - so I just wanna say thank you for that!


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I use Synapse as Matrix server and Element as client. It doesn't need port 25 (8008 and 8448 are needed in my setup). On Lemmy and Mastodon I configured outgoing mail using smtp via my existing mail hoster, so I don't send mail from my own server. Also, all googling I did said to stay away from selfhosting email, as it is a hassle not to be immediately blocked as a spam mail server ..

So yes I got synapse installed and I use element as a client but when I tried to register an account it wants to send me an email from my own server and since port 25 is blocked.

You should be able to configure this differently. Either switch of the confirmation mails completely or use the email credentials from another server.