Now Dell sales staff must be onsite five days per week • The Register to – 65 points –
Now Dell sales staff must be onsite five days per week

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I quit my last job because they pulled us back to the office. That's going to be a lot harder to do next time becauee of BS like this.

Everyone just has to sit on their hands and strike in-office to drive home the point. Something that'll never happen in unorganized workplaces.

I’m unionized and the union rolled over and let the employer do this. “The employer reserves the right to designate where employees work”

Wonder what I’m paying union dues for.

that's YOUR union, go get involved and fix it!

even unions are gonna eventually fall to corruption and laziness if ppl think they'll solve your problems for you

the union IS you (and your coworkers)

Appreciate the sentiment but it’s me vs thousands haha.