USA approves $8.7bn aid package for Israel to politics – 121 points –

I guess they really want Israel to stop!


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My country supports, finances, and obviously encourages genocide and I don't know how to stop it. I vote, I protest, I vote with my money yet there is no end in sight to the massacre.

I don't know how to stop it. I don't want to be party to innocent people being slaughtered anymore.

We can only do so much. Our country does not care in the slightest about its people, only corporations and billionaires

Sorry bro. I guess keep calling it out. I guess it feels like not enough but that's all you have, I guess

I ...... I think I'm going to do exactly what the unintelligent say to. "If you dont love it, leave it". I'm going to leave.

No idea where im going, but I can't be a part of this anymore.

Well. I'm a New Zealander. We're not funding the genocide here but I feel just as powerless to do anything about it. Best of luck to you

You'd have to renounce US citizenship, the US taxes citizens living abroad too. And after you've done all that, you won't have changed the amount of money going to Israel by a penny and you will have made it slightly more likely pro-Israel-funding politicians get elected because one vote against has left.

So if anything you're overturning your life to make the problem worse.

Donate to aid organizations if you want to improve the situation for Palestinians. That's what you can do.