'This Maniac Must Be Stopped': Netanyahu Condemned Over Massive Beirut Bombing

Peter Link@lemmy.ml to News@lemmy.world – 394 points –
'This Maniac Must Be Stopped': Netanyahu Condemned Over Massive Beirut Bombing | Common Dreams

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/20788199

Jessica Corbett
Sep 27, 2024


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Residential buildings that Hezbollah intentionally set up a headquarters in the basement of.

Thats already a war crime by Hezbollah.

Firstly, being the second one to commit a war crime does not make the act of doing so any less heinous.

Secondly, do you have any actual evidence you're basing that on, or is it just Israel's word you're taking? Because we know for a fact that Israel bombed civilians, and as far as I've seen, it's just hearsay that they were targeting actual Hezbollah members. On the other hand, we do know for fact that they've used this justification falsely before, so I'm disinclined to believe anything they say, frankly.

You want evidence?? Are you some kind of antisemite?? /s

Secondly, do you have any actual evidence you're basing that on, or is it just Israel's word you're taking?

I mean, high ranking Hezbollah members do keep dying in these strikes, possibly including Nasrallah in this latest one. Sure Israel are still dicks for accepting the levels of civilian casualties that come along with it but the strikes do seem to be hitting actual targets.

The targets (so far):

Israel killed more than 700 people, including 50 children and 94 women, in air strikes it conducted across Lebanon since September 23.

At least 1,835 Lebanese people were wounded in the attacks, the country’s Ministry of Public Health said.

In addition to the entire genocide still going on in Gaza and ramping up in the West Bank

Being detered by human shields means that more human shields are used. It's the same logic as refusing to pay ransom for kidnappers. The opposite would just encourage more kidnappings.

It's literally terrorist 101 to use human shields. This tactic has been used by every insurgency in the last hundred years.

It's why it was added as a war crime.

As for the second one to commit a war crime. If you follow the rules, but your enemy doesn't, you will lose. This is the international equivalent of the bunch buggy no punch back bullshit that let's people hit you with no retaliation.

Repeating the same lies "human shields" and "terrorist" doesn't make it true.

The leader of Hezbollah was confirmed dead in the attack, so clearly they were using human shields... They have been attacking Israel from a foreign country, and are not part of that countries military, which makes them terrorists.

You don't like the truth, but lying about it doesnt change the facts of the matter.

It makes them a paramilitary organization. They're fulfilling their duty under international law to stop genocide.

They're committing war crimes constantly. Attacking civilians and using human shields by building their bases in residential buildings.

They aren't fulfilling any sort of duty.

What about repeating the Truth? Because that's what he's actually doing.

The IDF uses Palestinians as human shields.

There are literal videos of this.

So Isrealis are terrorists? We have actual video of them using human shields.

Yes? I've never claimed they aren't bad. The US does it too, along with pretty much every country who goes to war because international law and the rules of war are bullshit.

There are no rules in war other than "win"

This should be fun. Where uh... Where's the US policy on using human shields?

The "everybody does it" argument is complete bullshit, but I'd love to see your evidence that the US routinely and as a matter of standard procedure uses human shields.

That's what so many are unwilling to aknowledge. Civilian deaths are only issue for the western nations. Not to these extremists. Being martyred lands them into heaven. Not only is this a non-issue for them but it's actually a good thing. They get to heaven and western media will slam Israel for it. Win-win.

Oh no, people are willing to die for their homes? Craaaaaazy.

Not willing to, but having to because there's a terrorist HQ / ammunation storage in the basement or a missile launcher on the school / mosque / hospital yard that they themselves didn't agree to.

Man you go from "that apartment and all people inside were terrorists" to "oh the civilians actually also hate these terrorists" real quick. The line between civilian or terrorist is whatever you want.

Residential buildings that Hezbollah intentionally set up a headquarters in the basement of.

At no point has anyone claimed it's only been terrorists in those buildings.

Just cool with targeting civilians then. Damn. Normally y'all genocidal freaks like to do a little double talk to avoid saying it.

Attacking me personally (ad hominem) for a view I don’t even hold isn’t an argument against what I’m actually saying. I don’t know what you imagine you’re achieving with this inflammatory style of commenting and strawmanning your opponent’s arguments.

Because I do not take your arguments in good faith because I do not discuss the justifications of genocide. Your argument is evil and I mean it in the purest sense I can muster. I consider you an evil person for actively holding and defending evil ideas of genocide. I do not respect evil people. There is discussion to be had on the topic but not with people like you.

your comment will be downvoted coz lemmy is full of left wingers who prefers to instill their lame ass rhetorics than see the fact that it was hamas and their asswipe cronies that handed israel the reason on a silver platter.

lets not forget,these hamas terrorist supporters had no qualms using civilians as shields,israel just decided to even the playong field.

You don't think they're well past evening the playing field by now?

It's not about winning the fight, it's about ensuring they are never considered a viable target again.

israel lost the plot,that much is certain.

as of now,hamas handed israel the golden key and israel will not hesitate to use it to the fullest.

genocide or not,until hamas is exterminated,israel will not face any consequences for their actions.

At what point should they have consequences? They can't keep bombing civilians without consequence

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If the only thing stopping you from doing war crimes is a reason then your a scumbag.

  • you're

Grammer Nazi. Gottem

sieg heil.

“This is the only story of mine whose moral I know,” writes Kurt Vonnegut at the beginning of his 1962 novel Mother Night. “I don’t think it’s a marvelous moral; I simply happen to know what it is: We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”

Stop pushing this BS to justify Israel's Genocide. On the subject of Human Shields, there are some independent reports for past conflicts of Hamas jeopardizing the safety of civilians via Rocket fire in dense urban areas, two instances during Oct 7th, but no independent verification since then so far. None of which absolve Israel of the crime of targeting civilians under international law:

Intentionally utilizing the presence of civilians or other protected persons to render certain areas immune from military attack is prohibited under international law. Amnesty International was not able to establish whether or not the fighters’ presence in the camps was intended to shield themselves from military attacks. However, under international humanitarian law, even if one party uses “human shields”, or is otherwise unlawfully endangering civilians, this does not absolve the opposing party from complying with its obligations to distinguish between military objectives and civilians or civilian objects, to refrain from carrying out indiscriminate or disproportionate attacks, and to take all feasible precautions to spare civilians and civilian objects.

Additionally, there is extensive independent verification of Israel using Palestinians as Human Shields: IDF uses Human Shields, including Children (2013 Report), and in the latest war Israel “Systematically” Uses Gaza Children as Human Shields, Rights Group Finds

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