'This Maniac Must Be Stopped': Netanyahu Condemned Over Massive Beirut Bombing

Peter Link@lemmy.ml to News@lemmy.world – 394 points –
'This Maniac Must Be Stopped': Netanyahu Condemned Over Massive Beirut Bombing | Common Dreams

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/20788199

Jessica Corbett
Sep 27, 2024


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You don't think they're well past evening the playing field by now?

It's not about winning the fight, it's about ensuring they are never considered a viable target again.

israel lost the plot,that much is certain.

as of now,hamas handed israel the golden key and israel will not hesitate to use it to the fullest.

genocide or not,until hamas is exterminated,israel will not face any consequences for their actions.

At what point should they have consequences? They can't keep bombing civilians without consequence

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