GOP attorneys general have launched a new attack on gender care for kids

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 149 points –
GOP attorneys general have launched a new attack on gender care for kids

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So attack translates to accused of violating consumer protection laws. And care translates to perminantly modification of children's bodies. Why can a child consent to this perminant modification but not a tatoo or sex? Sounds like double standards to me?

Oh boy, I can tell you're not here for a good faith argument. Puberty blockers are explicitly TO delay puberty until they can be sure. Nothing wrong with them

"But why can they consent to-"

Nah ah, already stated the difference

Yup, puberty blockers let trans youth prevent the onset of gender characteristics during puberty so that they can make an informed decision on what they want when they are an adult. It's basically all upsides and, if the youth decides to go ahead with the puberty matching their birth sex it's trivial to do so... but it keeps that door open so time doesn't force a decision on them.

"I dont agree with you your argument must be bad faith" is one hell of a bad faith argument.

So you consider the side effects an acceptable risk?

And you think you know more than the kid's doctor to predecide for millions of kids in your country?

It's not our risk to accept. It's between the person and their doctor.

So you consider the side effects an acceptable risk?

Doctors that are specialized in that field should know that better than you or me, no?

But I'll humor you anyway. You know what also has side effects? Going through puberty. And those side effects are permanent. If your puberty changes you in ways that don't align with your gender identity, those side effects include higher risk of dying by suicide, as one example. So yeah, that seems like a risk that I, with my unqualified opinion, would be willing to take in order to make sure my child and their doctors have enough time to figure out who they are and what they need.

And you sound like Tucker Carlson to me.

If you're not a doctor or a parent of trans youth how about you mind your own business and stop being so weird.

Or do you not believe in small government?

Just asking questions here.

I was a kid same as u i have 18 years of experience being a complete dumbass (i suspect u have significantly more than me) im neither but said docters in multiple countries have advised against it citing the fact they are ineffective for a majority ofcases.

As for small government isnt that one of the thibgs the american right wingers go on about? I dont know a lot about the concept feel free to enlighten me any good YouTube's cover it?

You think you're more qualified than a doctor to assess whether a kid is capable of making bodily decisions? You can only speak for yourself.

The vast majority of doctors that specialize in gender care and endocrinology disagree with that small minority of doctors who aren't specialists in this field.

It's like asking a dentist for their opinion on brain surgery. They're not qualified to have one.

Yeah, also why can children consent to any medical treatment? Not dying of treatable conditions is altering their body, and that's literally bad. I'm so smart and compassionate, I'm basically literally a doctor.

They cant their parents can tho. Puberty blockers are not a life saving treatment they are physical only and thus just like plastic surgery shouldnt be given to kids. And no u cant argue they will kill themselves if they dont get treated there is plenty of peer reviewed papers proving that to be false.

There are also plenty of peer reviewed papers that say you're an idiot.

Now thats a bad faith argument. I usually get banned for calling people an idiot or is that only cos my opinions are controversial?

I'm not arguing with you. Your opinion is just wrong and irrelevant. Not understanding a medical treatment and wanting it banned because it makes you uncomfortable makes you a small minded, bad person. I hope you take the time to either reevaluate your life or go away.

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Hormones absolutely affect more than cosmetic things.

I started hormone replacement therapy 2 months ago. I spent four decades before that wanting to commit suicide.

I still mostly look like a man and my mental health has vastly improved. I'm less defensive less reactionary more open. I get a long better with everybody in my life.

Including myself.

Being congruent with your gender both chemically and socially helps people feel more joy happiness and self-acceptance.

That is not cosmetic and you have no idea what you're talking about.

Like I said in an earlier comment you're not a doctor. And you cite doctors that aren't specialists in the field who have an agenda.

Seriously mind your own business and let parents and doctors that actually understand this stuff take care of kids that need life-saving treatment.

And while you're at it maybe look up the study that was just done about how suicide rates in trans youth are 70% higher states deny health care to trans youth.

In other words educate yourself before having an opinion about something you know nothing about.

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You think minors are getting top and bottom surgery all the time, don't you?

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