Anyone else run so many services locally that sometimes you don't immediately notice your internet is out?

Admiral to – 116 points –

Apparently my internet was out for the last 20 minutes or so, and I've been browsing Lemmy, working on a doc in Nextcloud/OnlyOffice, and watching a movie on Jellyfin without even noticing.

I just happened to notice that the Matrix rooms I was in were all quiet.


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I've got Jellyfin on a cheap ($20/year) VPS, and used SSHFS to attach it to some external hard drives attached to a Raspberry Pi. My upload speed is only 10 mbps, but that seems enough for most movies and TV shows, and multiple users can watch simultaneously via SyncPlay. Transcoding works too (up to 1080p)

Where did you get that cheap of a VPS? Either i'm bad at searching the web or I am missing something, but I can't find anything below 5$/month (60$/y) even with very poor specs (1 shitty cpu + 10gb storage + 512mb ram)...

I found a deal for a Racknerd KVM VPS on'm not seeing the same one, but similar offers pop up often!