How the Supreme Court put itself in charge of the executive branch to politics – 216 points –
How the Supreme Court put itself in charge of the executive branch

The major questions doctrine, explained.


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The choices aren't Democrats or Republicans. It's Democrat, Republican, or stay at home and not vote. I'm not dumb enough to think people are willing to change positions easily these days. But R's just got fed some good red meat (Dobbs), which means some of them will become complacent. There isn't one issue at the moment which motivates their base as good as abortion, which is why they're flailing around and trying to demonize trans folk

The choices aren’t Democrats or Republicans. It’s Democrat, Republican, or stay at home and not vote.

Staying home and not voting is a vote for Republicans. The GOP are still beating the abortion drum by pushing for national bans and even more restrictions on abortion in the states where it's still legal. Demonizing trans kids is their new boogeyman to keep those who are past the abortion issue in line and make sure that there's something new for them to fear.

The GOP are masters at scaring their voters to the polls, and one of the things they hope for is that Democrat voters stay home in "protest". You're not protesting anything by staying home. You're helping the GOP.

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