What are the main challenges in Linux adoption for New users, and how can it be addressed?

fugepe@lemmy.mlbanned from sitebanned from site to Linux@lemmy.ml – 351 points –

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Flatpak and AppImage are trying to make that easier, since they both work the same on pretty much any distro, but not everything is packaged that way yet.

Flatpak is closer to the typical package manager model, where you install things from a graphical store or the command line, while AppImages are self-contained binaries that you download from the developer and run as-is without installing.

Snaps also exist, but they don't work well outside of Ubuntu and its descendants...

I like Flatpak for what it is. It's great. But I wish that the application IDs weren't so long.

I think if they were categories instead of reverse domain names, it would at least be easier to remember. As it is now they're mostly just meaningless, and I think it would be better if you could refer to apps with only the last part as long as it wouldn't create a name collision.