Military and Prison Industrial Ruleplex to – 552 points –

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If by average you mean the totality of every human being in America... have you driven through a city lately?

A roof over your head beats a tent that gets torn up once a month by cops

The fact that you think there are more homeless in the US than people who lived in soviet roach infested tenements shows how woefully uneducated you are

A roach-infested shithole is still inarguably better than living on the streets.

The percentage of the US population living in the streets is much smaller than that living in Soviet roach motels.

@BB69 the fact that you misrepresent what i said shows how much of a rhetorical demagogue you are

Says the person who is acting like the Soviet Union ghettos are even slightly comparable to a modern US city.

Stalin would’ve laughed and had you shipped to Siberia