Firefox has surpassed Chrome on Speedometer to – 1492 points –

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Hm, where do they nag? I don't know what Pockets is and haven't seen anything about it.
I also never manually update Firefox, I just restart when it tells me it's downloaded an update.

Every other update would show an ad to use it. Also, you cannot remove it afaik.

Also, you cannot remove it afaik.

Remove it where? If its the toolbar, you can just remove it from the Customize Toolbar menu. If it is the home/new tab page, you can remove it by clicking the settings gear at the top right of that page and disable the option (or from the main brwoser settings area). If you use Firefox Account syncing (or just sync your Firefox profile folder via other means) then that option persists across different devices accordingly too. This page explains how to disable any Pocket integration, including the ones that I've mentioned here, along with even the "Save to Pocket" menu entry that comes up when right clicking a link.

You can with about:config flags, you can also set the API url to some random shit so it can't even ping Mozilla.