Trump thinks Putin is his friend. The Russians just issued a humiliating statement to the contrary. to World – 528 points –
Trump Thinks Putin Is His Friend. The Russians Just Issued a Humiliating Statement to the Contrary.


Putin’s actions after Trump’s election, including a delayed congratulations and a denial of a phone call, suggest a lack of respect for Trump’s personal relationship with him.

Russia’s intelligence chief’s statement that Trump owes them favors for their support in his election, along with hints that he is expected to “pay back” certain obligations, amounts to a bold threat of blackmail.

Trump’s foreign policy, which favors a realignment with Russia, may be challenged by Putin’s actions and the revelation of Russian interference in the election.


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Eh, seeing as how Putin assisting le trump has been the elephant in the room since 2015 I don't think I'm going to turn my brain off yet.

I just want to see the kompromat lmao