What do you use for outgoing smtp?
One of the things I don't really want to self host is a mail server, especially for outbound mail. Currently I'm using a Gmail account, but I want to change that.
What do you all use for things like notifications sent through smtp?
I'm leaning towards AWS SES since it's cheap, but I know there are some other options like mailgun and sendgrid.
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I set up a smtp relay with gsuite for outgoing mail but don't think it is ideal; it is tied to my user. It was just expedient rather than preferred.
Totally looking forward to the answers here.
That's pretty much my concern as well. Most of my notifications (lemmy/etc) get sent from a gsuite account or a fastmail account. I don't really want any automated e-mails being tied to my personal accounts like that.
With my one user gsuite I setup a secondary domain in it so lemmy sends from no-reply@lemmy.gregw.us, not my main address, but lemmy still authenticates using my main address.