First time macOS user, what are the essential apps?

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AltTab: Windows alt-tab on macOS

Rectangle: Keyboard based window management.

Linear Mouse: Per-device settings for Mouse, Track Pad, etc. Things like pointer super, scroll direction, and mouse acceleration.

I never knew about Linear Mouse, thank you so much!!! I fucking hate how Apple ties scroll direction on mice/touchpad and no, "natural" scroll direction is not natural on a standard mouse Apple.

No problem! Glad I could help someone. I was so happy when I found it so I'm glad it can help others.

What does AltTap do better than the build in cmd+tap?

Just a preference thing since it makes it more like how Windows and some Linux distros do window management.

Hitting Alt + Tab brings up a preview of all windows that you have open with the ability to scroll / tab through them.

Hitting Alt + ` while focused on a certain application shows a preview image of each window for that application that you have open.

I personally like it more than the OSX default but to each their own.

Never knew about Linear Mouse 😱 thank you! does it work with logitech stuff? So i can finally get rid of their shitty software

I'm using it and a Logitech G502 but I haven't played around to see what things it can and cannot do compared to Logitech's own software. On Linux I use Piper to manage my mouse with a closer parity to Logitech's actual software.