TW bigotry I'm sad today( vent) to – 64 points –

So yesterday my cishet friend went on a far right rant about lgbt going too far and today he just started accusing me of shit because I reached out to who is now my only friend he get really angry that I told twh rest of his friends about what he did and then called me a fascist. I'm just tired of everything


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Had a similar situation happen a few days ago. A friend in one of my group chats is perpetually on Twitter and gets constantly fed anti-LGBT shit. Then he was complaining about “LGBT books indoctrinating kids in schools,” and his evidence was just a video of the GayBCs book. He kept ranting about that gay people are pushing sexuality on kids, then I turned it back on how we’ve grown up with straight sexuality pushed on us, and all he said was “but that’s natural.” He’s pretty much rotted his brain just by sticking to Twitter and believing every right winger’s weak, tired arguments and outrage.

I'm sorry about your friend

I’m sorry about yours. It’s sad how easily it is for them to fall for that kind of bullshit

I cut him off but I hope he finds a way out. Truth be told I fell for that stuff like 2 years ago and only left a few months ago.