DeSantis is unhurt in a car accident in Tennessee while traveling to presidential campaign events

YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to politics – 121 points –
DeSantis is unhurt in a car accident in Tennessee while traveling to presidential campaign events

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One of them was a kid who was invited by one of the adults onboard if I heard correctly

Yes I'm sure the billionaire's child was invited.

I'm sure he wasn't a spoiled shit who demanded his dad also spend a quarter mil on him so he could see the titanic, too.

Of course that is a possibility but that doesn't mean we should celebrate his death.

It is possible for a spoiled child to grow up and become a decent adult.

Far from demanding that his dad spend a quarter mil on it, there were multiple news reports at the time from the boy's aunt - his father's sister - that said the kid was terrified and didn't want to go but the father pressured the rest of the family to allow it.

EDITED to add that Wikipedia tells a different story, that Suleman Dawood's dad bought the ticket for his wife but she didn't want it, which is how Suleman got it, and he was excited to go. Wikipedia link:

the father pressured

He sure did.

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