Is Chargie legit? to – 18 points –

Chargie promises to prolong the quality of your phone's battery life.


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Are you sure AOSP 12 built this feature in? I'm on GrapheneOS on Pixel 7 and there is no such option in battery settings.

Sorry, I read this during an internet search but it turns out it's not in AOSP but something that various device manufacturers have implemented.

While searching I found GrapheneOS say they will not add this feature as it's not privacy related, and that the OS is not rootable, so you might be a good use case for Chargie.

If I recall this was in reference to LineageOS' charging control feature. Perhaps this is what you are referring to?

I didn't save the source but I believe is was just someone talking about some mainstream phone, assuming it was baked into android. The downfall of using internet comments for sources.