Unpatchable AMD Chip Flaw Unlocks Paid Tesla Feature Upgrades

ijeff@lemdro.id to Technology@beehaw.org – 258 points –
Unpatchable AMD Chip Flaw Unlocks Paid Tesla Feature Upgrades

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You could disable their spyware. Cars didn't always phone home to snitch on you.

You could. But then they could also deactivate your ignition of it doesn’t phone home every 1/2/3 week. For “safety” reasons.

You could also disable that disabler. Once you own that shit you can dk what you want with it. Block tesla domains, alter the ignition code.

would really spark some anger after people get stranded with disabled cars while camping for prolonged periods of time, or just parking underground while flying abroad.

I’m sure it would, but someone must think of the children, and make sure that the on board software is up to date for safety’s sake. (I can hear the money changing hands to fill the election coffers of the congressional oversight committee members even as I type this).