Firefox Money: Investigating the bizarre finances of Mozilla to – 161 points –
Firefox Money: Investigating the bizarre finances of Mozilla

The author may be a right-wing fellow. Nonetheless, the data he exposes are taken from official Mozilla docs.


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Without having read the whole thing, so I'm not sure how clear the article is about it: the important part is that donations to Mozilla go to the Mozilla Foundation, which does the political campaigning/social justice etc. stuff, while Firefox development happens in the Mozilla Corporation funded with search engine deals etc.

So again:

Donations to Mozilla do not go towards Firefox development

And looking independently at what the Mozilla Foundation does: Thank God for the Mozilla Foundation. The do incredibly important work and is as far as I know the strongest advocacy group for a free and open net.

The EFF is probably competitive there. But clearly they’re both on the same side of most issues, so not really a competition.