Clarence Thomas bought a $267,000 RV using funds from a Democratic donor to politics – 397 points –
Clarence Thomas bought a $267,000 RV using funds from a Democratic donor

A report from The New York Times details yet another luxury obtained by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas using funds from a wealthy associate. In this instance, it's been revealed that he purchased a Prevost Marathon RV in 1999, using $267,230 received from Anthony Welters, a former executive at UnitedHealthCare who worked alongside Thomas in the Reagan administration, per the outlet. In a statement on the matter, Welters said that the funds were considered a loan and that it has since been "satisfied," avoiding the phrasing "paid off," which means it could have been a gift that would have then needed to be disclosed


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Anthony Welters, a former executive at UnitedHealthCare who worked alongside Thomas in the Reagan administration

A Democratic donor who worked for the Reagan admin? Come on now

I think you misread. The article seems to refer to Thomas’ time when he served in the Reagan administration and working alongside Welters who was an executive at UnitedHealthCare at the time.

I agree it’s awkwardly phrased and hard to follow.

Looks to me that Weller is an R who worked for Reagan at the time of the donation. His wife may have worked for Obama later on and could indeed be a Dem, or perhaps switched.

Probably donates so the Dems don’t do single payer.

the dates and who was actually doing the donating at the time makes a difference.

I don't care what their politics is. I hope pro publica takes this up and tracks the money to the source and prints eye watering story about it.

Why is that hard to believe? Trump used to be a Democrat, Biden voted for anti-LGBQT laws (eg. DOMA), Liz Cheney has recently supported LGBQT rights, etc.

Trump has never been anything other than a deranged psychopath. He's non-political. What I mean is it really doesn't matter. Corruption is just corruption. The reporting is misleading. That's what I take issue with.

I know, but Trump isn't the only corrupt politician who cares more about power than policy.