probably my biggest gripe with Lemmy right now. Feels like I'm just stuck in a loop. to Mildly – 772 points –

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there were tons of cross posts on reddit, it's just that they usually weren't visible on the front page as such

It's more that every sub had much different levels of activity so one repost would get attention while another dwindled.

The issue with Lemmy is activity is not centralized so each individual repost sees roughly as much activity as the other, so as far as sorting goes, they're all considered to be as equally active, i.e. "Hot". It's all kind of flat line across communities.

We just need more activity, more people, more voting, making making more posts.

The cross posts on reddit were terrible.

Same fucking post on awww, upliftingnews, mildlyinteresting, bustypetite, etc