Trump vows to keep talking about criminal cases despite prosecutors pushing for protective order to politics – 637 points –
Trump vows to keep talking about criminal cases despite prosecutors pushing for protective order

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He's testing to see how far he can push. But he's going to find out Jack Smith pushes back a hell of a lot harder.

I fucking love that guy. As an aspirational lawyer, what a role model!

The best thing about him is that I don't have a clue what his politics are. He's worked for Democrats and Republicans, and he has never, as far as I'm aware, said a single goddamn word in public about his political opinions. Nothing. And his prosecutorial record is similarly impossible to use as a barometer for his politics. It shows that he's extremely good at his job, and nothing else.

Gotta respect a guy like that. Partisan to one thing and one thing only: Serving justice.

Let's hope he doesnt Harvey Dent us.

He also has a very neutral name. It’s like he’s a superhero by night. Like Jack Smith is an alter ego, similar to Clark Kent or Bruce Wayne

It might just be copium, but jack smith is starting to give me some hope and take the edge off my jaded political nihilism.

I think we're really gonna need a movie off this. "Jack Smith: Special Prosecutor". it kind of sounds like... a jack ryan type spy thriller... and it practically writes itself. (only action being Jack running a triathalon.)

Especially after how milquetoast Garland has been. But that may have been to remove any notion of political retribution. Though they scream about it anyway.