For those using VPS services, how do you go about keeping your data backed up? to – 42 points –

I have been using a VPS for a while to host some personal projects and services that I have been using. Lately I have start to think to move all my git projects into it aswell. But at the moment, I'm not really sure how to go about off site backups of the data. How do you usually go about running backups on your servers?


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Daily backup using Restic to wasabi s3.

Restic already speaks s3 natively, no need to mount it or anything, just point it at a bucket and hand it an api key.

You can use an api key that’s only allowed to read and write, but not delete / modify, so you’ve got some protection from ransomware.

Thanks for sharing, I dind't knew about restic, I will definetely have a look

You can also feed database dumps directly into restic, like this:

mysqldump --defaults-file=/root/backup_scripts/.my.cnf --databases mydatabse | restic backup --stdin --stdin-filename mydatabase.sql