Are there any US banks that provide automated access to account data? to No Stupid – 41 points –

I wasn't sure where to ask this, so please feel free to direct me to a different community if there's a good one for this question.

Are there any US banks that allow their clients programmatic access to their own data? As far as I'm aware, that's not really a thing in the US, but I might be willing to switch banks if there are any that provide access.


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I, too, looked high and low for this. Switching credit unions every year or so when they’d stop offering access. I finally gave up and started using Plaid. They grab all transactions from all my various accounts for $2.16/mo and shove them into Moneydance. Not what you asked for, but it works.

I'm currently having my accounts send me alerts on as many transactions as possible and then programmatically reading them from my email. It works, basically, but it's not perfect.

I do that too, but it is nice to not have to retype everything. For $2, well worth it.