Your choice of browser matters — Google's Web DRM and the open internet to Open – 628 points –

Your choice of browser matters — Google's Web DRM and the open internet

I wrote this blog post to inform the people I know who aren't as tech savvy or otherwise don't put any thought into their choice of browser. Another goal is to help get enough awareness on the topic and make sure it fails.

@opensource @privacy #webintegrityapi #WEI #google #mozilla #chrome #firefox #chromium #foss #opensource #OpenWeb #privacy #drm #nodrm #drmfree #freesoftware #browser


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@grafcube @opensource @privacy

Yaaay, time to really push that SearX/alternative-search-engine crusade, because there is more reason for a user to say "fuck you" to the hungry machine.

I was using Brave's engine for awhile but I feel like its results were getting worse. Went back to my own SearXNG instance, it's pretty polished these days.

Did they change stuff ? I was running an instance on my home server , but the server ceashed and didnt get time to reinstate it !

Compared to a few years ago the UI, especially on mobile, looks super nice. Also they added Lemmy support built-in very recently if you use the latest commits.

I generally take a pull from their git and build it on my machines so yeah !