Your choice of browser matters — Google's Web DRM and the open internet to Open – 628 points –

Your choice of browser matters — Google's Web DRM and the open internet

I wrote this blog post to inform the people I know who aren't as tech savvy or otherwise don't put any thought into their choice of browser. Another goal is to help get enough awareness on the topic and make sure it fails.

@opensource @privacy #webintegrityapi #WEI #google #mozilla #chrome #firefox #chromium #foss #opensource #OpenWeb #privacy #drm #nodrm #drmfree #freesoftware #browser


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@grafcube @opensource @privacy So mostly, I agree with what you said, but except the things you got wrong, which I already, mentioned there some other things I wanted to say: You critized Brave for including it's crypto stuff, which is fair, but you said it like it would make it less trustworthy or bad for privacy which isn't true, also u just can disable it and it has also the posetive effect that people who like this crypto stuff, start using a privacy respecting browser instead of the others

@grafcube @opensource @privacy Which I also wanted to say, the only Ads Brave allow are Ads in Search Results as far ik, I never seen any other ads so far while using Brave on Android (on Desktop I have uBO on top), you also said that Firefox has the superior Fingerprinting Protections which isn't rly true, Brave's approach to defend fingerprinting by randomization (giving every website a unique fingerprint every new session, etc.) is pretty effective. While Vivaldi has almost no fingepriting1/2