What's your favorite Linux Desktop software?

OsrsNeedsF2P@lemmy.ml to Linux@lemmy.ml – 391 points –

For me, it's hands down Flameshot. The best screenshot tool in the world - I've got it hooked up to my PrtScrn key for super easy screenshots.

I also love Kwrite as a Notepad++ alternative, and KolourPaint as a MSPaint alternative


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Honestly, I installed it on my windows PC recently, and I found it really clunky. And it sounds like there's no dark mode?

I do IT for a living, and for as big of a bitch Office is, it does work pretty damn good... When it's working. I felt like I went back in time a decade when I was working with Calc.

I'm not trying to fight, but I'm genuinely curious, do you only use Writer? Have you worked with Word lately to compare how they've changed? Thanks

Dark mode is coming to the latest release of LibreOffice, or very soon, so I've heard.

It's possible in current and recent older versions to change the default colours to almost-but-not-quite emulate a dark mode. I have to admit it's not a quick thing to do, nor is it perfect once done, but it can be attempted. (That said, maybe I gave up changing things at "good enough" which is why it's not perfect.).

Not OP, but I like that libreoffice:

  • Works on Linux without wine/bottles

  • Isn't 9GB

  • Has no hooks into 0365 or Office.com or any other web junk I don't need

  • Can be updated in less time than reimaging a workstation

  • Doesn't change major elements of the GUI including available options and default styles each major update

I also trust the document recovery options more, and enjoy using 'free' software when possible

Oh, I've used it, and it isn't worth the price. They could offer it for free and I still can't say I'd switch. It isn't that there aren't differences, there are. They just aren't enough to matter.

Writer, that's the bread and butter. Calc is mainly for tracking timelines, "lore", etc. Draw isn't a common use.

Dark mode isn't as superior when writing long form though. It's nice, but it's easier to catch weird patterns for me (dyslexia). Calc vs excel, well that's not really a competition for professional use, though calc functions well enough for the kind of use I put it to.