Massachusetts passed a 4% millionaire's tax last year. Now every public school student is going to get free lunch to – 2161 points –
Massachusetts passed a 4% millionaire's tax last year. Now every public school student is going to get free lunch.

Students in Massachusetts will get free lunch and breakfast at school thanks to a new 4% tax put on people who earn more than $1 million.


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Will simply drive more rich people out of the state.

They always say that and they never leave

A lot of bluster and blubbering about what would happen if so and so law passed. Never works. They're still making plenty and once they're done whining they stay put

Revenue from the new income tax is earmarked for public school meals.

As the kids get free food now, some rich people must be left in the state. Maybe the ones with an actual heart?

Looking at this from a community perspective, rich people that don't contribute to the community is kind of worthless anyway.