That's why you make it a stream-of-consciousness bulleted list, so then you can realize how dumb it actually is
I have deciphered it. It's a human centipede with both ends stitched together.
"Did your not read the ToS?!"
so a human ouroboros?
I remember dreams very often right after I wake up but they slowly get erased during the day so I decided to write them. For the most part it works really well but damn, I make so many terrible mistakes writing it can be quite hard to decipher sometimes lol (because I'm still half asleep when I write it)
Afaik dreams get erased because you move and your brain tries to switch to day mode (so that your dream experiences don't confuse you when you're awake). The easiest way to write down your dreams precisely is to try and wake up while still laying in bed, and write down your dreams when you're not as eepy but still in bed.
brilliant thoughts and inventions from my dreams:
a giant crab chanting "i ain't gonna eat ya" (he eats you)
selling ball gags in local chain grocery stores, later that store became the spot for an intergalactic peace treaty (with an angry Jesus-Buddha)
vagina-mounted potato-cutting clock
v for vendetta x the joker (where they kiss)
buttplug that is also a phone, and your painting skill improves when you wear it
Australia-US border with confusing right lane left lane shifts
hamster soaked in chicken soup
shape-shifting slave horse girls that can jump really high
and many other things! some too fucked up to write down, and most forgotten, those are just the highlights
Because of this I literally just checked my dream notes and found "Teleport, tile travel but moneyore as you go back" and I actually have no idea what it means other than tile probably being a typo for time.
That's it! That's it! Flaming globes of Sigmond! Flaming Globes of Sigmond! That's my note! That's what I thought was so funny... That's not funny. There's nothing funny about that.
I am the king of loopy poopy ideas
Look it rhymes ok
"Exported from a dream" ideas are 50-50 between "cool but unpolished" and "total fucking nonsense."
Personal favorite might be a black market for transdimensional metal albums. Ephemera, lost works, what-ifs, etc. Overwhelmingly metal because that's the only genre where people obsess over the details but can also keep cool about it. If what came through was k-pop then it'd stay secret for a matter of nanoseconds.
That's why you make it a stream-of-consciousness bulleted list, so then you can realize how dumb it actually is
I have deciphered it. It's a human centipede with both ends stitched together.
"Did your not read the ToS?!"
so a human ouroboros?
I remember dreams very often right after I wake up but they slowly get erased during the day so I decided to write them. For the most part it works really well but damn, I make so many terrible mistakes writing it can be quite hard to decipher sometimes lol (because I'm still half asleep when I write it)
Afaik dreams get erased because you move and your brain tries to switch to day mode (so that your dream experiences don't confuse you when you're awake). The easiest way to write down your dreams precisely is to try and wake up while still laying in bed, and write down your dreams when you're not as eepy but still in bed.
brilliant thoughts and inventions from my dreams:
a giant crab chanting "i ain't gonna eat ya" (he eats you)
selling ball gags in local chain grocery stores, later that store became the spot for an intergalactic peace treaty (with an angry Jesus-Buddha)
vagina-mounted potato-cutting clock
v for vendetta x the joker (where they kiss)
buttplug that is also a phone, and your painting skill improves when you wear it
Australia-US border with confusing right lane left lane shifts
hamster soaked in chicken soup
shape-shifting slave horse girls that can jump really high
and many other things! some too fucked up to write down, and most forgotten, those are just the highlights
Because of this I literally just checked my dream notes and found "Teleport, tile travel but moneyore as you go back" and I actually have no idea what it means other than tile probably being a typo for time.
I am the king of loopy poopy ideas
Look it rhymes ok
"Exported from a dream" ideas are 50-50 between "cool but unpolished" and "total fucking nonsense."
Personal favorite might be a black market for transdimensional metal albums. Ephemera, lost works, what-ifs, etc. Overwhelmingly metal because that's the only genre where people obsess over the details but can also keep cool about it. If what came through was k-pop then it'd stay secret for a matter of nanoseconds.