where to buy linux stickers in europe?

GravitySpoiled@lemmy.ml to Linux@lemmy.ml – 55 points –

Where can I buy linux stickers?

Probably, I'd like to get some red hat stickers. Tux is too sweet and fedora is just white and blue. A red hat is more striking.


I found some from Red Bubble. They print and ship regionally so the stickers will never have too far to travel. Just opt out of their newsletters and email offers or you'll be flooded with superfluous tripe.

I’m also going to buy some Linux stickers soon, but I want the money to be used to support Linux, so just some printshop is out of question.

Your local print shop. Or, if you happen to have a printer at home, esp an inkjet, at you own home.

I second this one, the logos should all be creative commons of some sort, support your local print shop and have them print whatever you're looking for.

The best, albeit most expensive and sweaty, source is still the Chaos Communication Congress.

Is there any particular project or content creator you vibe with? If so, maybe check out their socials for links to their merch.