What's that song you adore but you're too embarrassed to make anyone else listen to?

toomanypancakes@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 87 points –

Gunther and the Sunshine girls - Ding Dong Song

It's so outdated and sexist, yet I love it.

That guy looks like Joost Klein, from Eurovision

Joost: Gunther:

I thought of another one. It’s rare I recommend this to anyone but another musician, so I think you’ll appreciate it as a drummer.

Hell by Clown Core

I recommend Clown Core all the time, but yeah it's not for normies

So because you reminded that Clown Core exists, I caught up with their recent discography on my phone with headphones. However, about five minutes ago the audio from computers on my phone "suddenly cut out". I think my mom started up her car, and because I connected the Bluetooth to the car at some point in the future past, the phone instantly decided "yeah let's pump the user's audio into this device, I'm sure that's what he wants", even though headphones were plugged in, without prompting me 😳.

I.e., I think my mom got a few seconds of surprise Clown Core.

She knows I like metal but I don't know how to explain this 🤣.

On the upside, I’m pretty sure she didn’t understand the lyrics.😂

No no, this is the video you're looking for if you're talking about Clown Core...

Vitas has a phenomenal vocal range.

Catchy tunes and a variety of styles. But this video, as catchy as the tune is, is just… bonkers. The outfit is … something, the technique he uses while singing is … yeah. It’s that weird.

Vitas 7th Element 2002

And this one I’m not ashamed to share… and is the one that brought him to my attention (especially when it gets to the hook) years back when it was making the rounds.

The man with his crazy voice

7th Element goes so hard

It's a shame Vitas kinda seems embarrassed by it. There's a video where he performed it a few years ago, and he's really low energy about it, lip syncing to a recording of it.

I supposed he's more into the traditional ballads he sings.

That first one is definitely something, but I appreciate the glitter sperm vibe lmao

I fucking love me some Vitas.

It's a shame he kinda gets memed on because of the goofiness of 7th element. The song itself is great with a catchy, kinda relaxing tune. But the stage performance is pretty interesting too. The costumes and the puppet like motions of the background dancers is really wild.

Nothing recent, but way back, I was embarrassed that it was called girl anachronism and all about being a girl because I was still a wee lad trying to assert his manliness. "Just a girl" by no doubt, same reason.

Actually, coin-operated boy was a pretty close second

Girl anachronism - Dresden Dolls


Coin-operated boy


I hope you've kept up with Amanda Palmer though, because she's actually awesome!

It's just a ride

Oh for sure, saw her live, still listen to them.

They're great.

Anything from Epic Rap Battles of History. While I love them, I do understand others do not.

Dude, they're the best! The beats, the weirdly awesome announcer voice, the music videos with way too much production budget somehow, and (mostly) historically accurate raps!

But yes, most people I want to show them to would immediately shut it off and shout "language!" Like Captain America.

I remember being enamoured by the backgrounds on the James Bond vs Austin Powers when I got my first phone with an amoled display. That and they were the jumping off point for so much learning for me!

Pretty much anything by Kesha. I'm known, in my group of friends to be somewhat of a music snob and quasi audiophile... Kesha is a bit of a guilty pleasure for me.

Just make sure you listen to her new stuff, she gets nothing from the old stuff, I think.

New stuff is wild though, she certainly aged alongside me and I'm hear for it.

Any song from a cartoon musical... They're so damned catchy though!

Released literally this week: On-lyne "Party of your lifetime". It's from an upcoming update for a game called Warframe, and it's basically distilled 90s boyband earworm. It's like Backstreet Boys and N Sync had a bunch of boy babies, fed them crack and taught them to sing. And for some reason I unironically LOVE it - I've been listening to it on repeat for hours, I need help :P


Haha, there's no help. That's fantastic, I'm hit right in the boy band nostalgia! It's kinda hard to believe sometimes how good video game music has gotten.

Thing is, I want really a fan of boybands back then, so I have no idea why it hit me so hard now - I didn't hate them, but I preferred other things. This song though, welp, hook, line and sinker. I even love the silly wink-wink-nodge-nudge lines like "boys are in sync" - I'm literally listening to the song as I write this, but the way :D

My heart is made of bubblegum eurodance so basically all of it is too infantile and silly for most anyone to get into it.

Erasure - Always. Perhaps I'm mostly ashamed because of how I picked this song up, from an old Flash game. Or perhaps of the lyrics being kind of bad, but the musical part is so awesome that I can't help it.


I think that was the first endless runner that I've played. It all felt so stupid, but so sublime

I think everyone on 4chan was in love with that song when the flash game was hot, myself included.

And me. (I was often in 4chan back then) Still, the song is still stuck in my head, after all those years.

Anything by the Carpenters

A once in a generation voice of pure velvety chocolate. No shame there.

I love this whole band's output, but the hardest one to explain immediately would probably be My Ass is On Fire by Mr. Bungle

I was singing this the other day to my wife and she was confused. Haven't listened to Bungle since college, gotta dig Disco Volente out soon

not The Girls of Porn from the same album? Or anything from the Disco Volante album?

Girls of Porn is from that same album. I love that song too. Disco Volante is a lot easier to tell people "oh I know you wouldnt get it, it's avant garde"

The self titled album is more like "I'm not surprised if you think I'm clinically insane for liking this"

I'm a big fan of the Tiger Lillies, partly because they are so transgressive and weird, and in 2024 it's quite hard to justify to anyone why you're listening to a man with a child's voice yell "I like sticking red hot pokers up the local choir boy's bums..." in a song called Kick A Baby (Down the Stairs)

I love the song "Hard to concentrate" by Red Hot Chili Peppers, BUT try showing this to someone your romantically interested in or even not and it can come off like you're throwing serious hints. Maybe even in an overbearing way, when really, I just friggin like the song!

Edit: there's also this one that's catchy and good. NSFW though: https://youtu.be/_wlDCosZ8mg?si=ToWFLPZdXJ9UYX0q

Some not-so-memed eurobeat like Wonderland, Supermaio and Go Godzilla Go, and power metal like Go Go Power Ranger and my new favorites Judgement Day and Ashes of the Dawn by DragonForce, and Would You Be So Kind and Absolutely Smitten by Dodie, and the whole album of Everlasting Summer by Seycara

Yes i'm a very quiet person irl so some of the song is like completely opposite of me.

There's nothing I listen to regularly that I'd be too embarrassed to make other people listen to. OTOH, I know that a lot of people won't like the music I listen to, so I usually just wear headphones.

The closest I have to a 'guilty pleasure' is HIM; the lyrics are pure goth-emo trash, but Vallo does some really good wordplay, has a very good range (...in the studio; he doesn't sound nearly as good live), and the music has tons of pop-metal hooks.

Among many, The Kingdom by Clamavi De Profundis (to be found on Tidal, Spotify, Youtube).

Park Amsterdam - Maaya Sakamoto

I'm kinda digging this idk, the drums are super emotional which I appreciate

"I Got a Feeling" by Neva Denova. It's not a famous band or song, but its so incredibly sad and angry and nihilistic and there's nothing else that comes close. When I'm feeling really shitty though, it kind of cheers me up. It has this long sing-along outro, "The world's a shitty place, and I can't wait to die." But after repeating this over and over the song ends and someone in the background says affectionately, "I'm just kidding world, you know I love you." I've struggled with intrusive negative thoughts for most of my life, and there is something cathartic about having my internal pain externalized in song-form, and that final line is like a voice I've had to develop that fights against all the negativity, to like survive the worst of the blackest depressions. Except instead of taking no small amount of energy to consciously or automatically summon that voice, it comes easy; it's right on the recording, and it plays every time.

I wouldn't say I'm embarrassed to tell people about the song, but I do think people would worry about me if they knew I listened to it when at my worst. But it really makes me feel like, "well at least I'm not that depressed and nihilistic," and it helps.

Monster by Dodie w/Pomplamoose

Wait wut? The OG is so good, didn't know she also have one with pomplamoose

That seems like such a fun song to drum to, I totally dig it!

For sure. Are you a drummer? I noticed you commented about the drums on another song too.

If so, check out Matt Garstka from Animals as Leaders. He’s an absolute machine.

I frickin love animals as leaders, they're awesome! His drumming always blows my mind. I am a drummer though, yeah,though nowhere near that good :)

Don’t compare yourself to Matt. He’s not human. Lol

Check out Petar Janjic too. He plays with Cory Wong, who is a phenomenal guitarist and composer.

The Wad - Vels Trio

Genre wise it's on the spectrum between jazz and prog-rock. And somehow manages to sound like a cross between New Order's Blue Monday and Parliament's Flashlight.

For your consideration

Actually, no, as an adult, the lyrics to this song make me embarrassed to have ever be a KoRn fan


"I see the flesh, and it smells fesh, and it's just there for the taking

These little girls they make me feel so god damned exhilirated I feel them up I can't give it up The pain that I'm just erasing...

I tell my lies and I despise every second I'm with you"

Reading this as an adult makes my skin crawl

I always thought that was the intention.

From what I've been able to understand, it's supposed to be a reflection of how Johnathan felt about himself constantly hooking up with groupies (I think he was married as well while this was happening).

Apparently the use of "little girls" isn't meant to mean underage, but to berate the young women he was having sex with.

How true any of this is will only be known by Johnathan and the women in question. We'd all love to think the best in the people we look up to, but they're not always going to live up to expectation.

"Don't meet your heroes" and all that.

A song called Krustenficker. I really like the beat but I can't hear it with my kids in range for eh. textual reasons, since they do speak german ..

Performed by Jason Paige, his passion really brings it to this song. Edit: Song - Pokemon Theme Song (original)