Whatcha drinking today? And how delicious is it?

toomanypancakes@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 43 points –

Water, it's so good I'd die without it.

Do not, my friends, become addicted to water. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence.

Drinking my 4th liter of water today lol (yesterday I probably exceeded 6liters, if I include milk consumption)

A pilsner instead of the IPA I normally have, but I like to switch it up once in a while. After a long day of being in charge of keeping alive four kids (plus three visitors from the neighborhood), two cats, and a dog the size of a small horse, the flavor isn't as important as the fact that I now get to have a beer with my feet up on the table.

I'm drinking a hard cider right now for example, and its thoroughly delicious, one of my favorites. I might have some rosƩ bubbly wine later too if hubs doesn't want it, but I gotta wait for him to get home first.

Was looking through people's comments and was going to comment hard cider as well, and yours was the final comment! What sort are you drinking?

Today I had Blake's Triple Jam, it is pretty good. Cider's the only alcoholic drink I've ever had where almost regardless of the particular cider I don't need to "get used" to the taste. Most of the time I dislike regular beer and hard liquor is to be tolerated, mixed drinks don't count, that's cheating (but delicious)

I'm doing schilling excelsior tonight, it's pretty delicious. Plus, there's a giraffe in a helmet on it, which is adorable. They're 8.4% though so I gotta be careful with them

Manly spirits Australian dry gin, fever tree premium light tonic, sliced fresh cucumber. Perfect summertime refresher.

I fuckin love a gin and tonic, sounds and looks delicious!

Only thing that beats a G&T is a Pimm's and lemonade šŸ¤¤

Yerba mate 10/10 will do again shortly

Damn, my new pack of yerba mate infused with pomelo arrived today. I just gulped down the whole cup in one big sip. Fucking delicious as a terere.

Good call, shit is delicious. Thanks for reminding me I need to get more yerba!

I'll be off to buy a few drinks in a moment, for the family:

  • me - a "double malt" Pilsner. Plenty people dislike it because it's rather bitter, but I love it for that very reason.
  • sister - a local Pilsner that has barely any hint of bitterness, she'd rather drink lighter beers.
  • BIL, mum - a sweet stout. It's locally sold as "Malzbier" but it has higher alcoholic content than Eastern European Malzbiere.
  • nephew - coin toss between apple juice or soda.

That'll side some entrevero that I should be getting ready to prepare right now, instead of loafing around in Lemmy.

Interesting, where do you live that ā€œMalzbierā€ is alcoholic? Here they are normally the sweet non-alcoholic drinks e.g. children drink

Brazil. The Malzbiere in question are around 4% ABV, by no means "strong" but not children drink either. (For reference the local Pilsner are roughly the same in alcohol content.) But they're fairly popular among people who like sweeter beers, specially now in winter.

I just finished a srawberry & brownie milkshake. It was God DAMN!

Homemade milk tea. I have matcha toasted rice, golden chai, and rooibos tea bags to choose from. I soak some chia seeds in a half and half mix of almond and coconut milk so they can absorb it and get bigger. This is what I use in place of boba and regular milk. Then I steep a teabag in a cup of hot water, stir in stevia, pour it into the milk onto a large glass jar, then dump a bunch of ice in it. Viola, lactose-free, sugar-free, high fiber milk tea.

Lucozade pink lemonade. I might have a problem, and that problem is I don't have enough of it :-P

Nectarine iced green tea. Last time I made this my pug chugged half a glass while I stepped away for a moment.

A pilsner. Locally popular brand called Mortiz. Why? It's what's on tap. It's decent, one of the better industrial pilsners. The night is young and I expect to be drinking more beer tonight.

Pink lemonade. I'm not the biggest fan, but it's doing a good job cooling me down.

Crystal Lite wild strawberry with caffeine.

A lot tastier than it really should be and keeps me alert better than coffee

Raspberry Limoncello Polar Seltzer. It's even better as a mixer with gin, rum, or white wine, but it's only 4:30pm here and I still have shit to do before I start in on the hard stuff.

Iā€™m at my familyā€™s restaurant helping them out with some computer stuff and Iā€™m really hoping they still have this pineapple cream soda from Stubborn. That shit was amazing. Everyone raved about it when they would try it and itā€™s like the only place around that I know that carries it. Jersey Mikes has Stubborn but only cream soda and root beer.

But the labels are missing off of the dispensers :/

Fuck the money, Uncle, I want some pineapple cream soda for helping out today.

I have a drink I've nicknamed the one-and-done.

  • 2oz bourbon (I currently use Elijah Craig small batch)
  • 1oz citrus vodka (using Smirnoff)
  • syrup to taste (I've tried a bunch of different combos; currently using about .75 oz triple sec syrup and 1.5 oz homemade honey/peach)
  • top with soda or tonic (or don't, I'm currently out)
  • garnish with lemon
  • sip slowly

It lives up to the name.

Tea-flavoured soda I was given at a local food show. 0% sugar, 0% artificial additives. It's about 0% delicious.

I just plopped open a classic flp-top bottle of Flensburger Pilsner.

Iced espresso. Double shot in a glass of ice, top up with cold water to taste. A little sugar. My own roast. I think it's excellent.

Cracking into the Chivis regal. Been one hell of a week for me and I didn't even have to deal with CrowdStrike last week.

Mandatory black coffee (iced) then filtered water (chilled) all day.

Both are the best tasty liquid in the world.

Maritime Night Watch at my favorite wing shop. It's pretty great

Just shared one of these with my girlfriend before walking her to the bus stop:

Fuckin lovely.

ground cacao beans brewed like tea or coffee.

Oooh, that sounds fascinating! I assume it works well because you're drinking it, does it taste kinda like a thin hot chocolate?

I do not use much sugar, 9g to 22oz of brew. It is bitter, it has a vaguely chocolate flavor. It is an interesting drink, and hard to really describe. I get mine from Choffy. The volta french roast. I used to use Crio Bru's Ghanna French Roast. I prefer Choffy over Crio (price is better at Choffy too).

Thatā€™s an interesting one that Iā€™ll have to try out!

Coffee, ground with vanilla bean, brewed over fresh gound cinnamon. Very.

GuaranƔ AntƔrtica. I don't buy it often. It just sounded good so I bought a 2 litre.

Not currently drink ing but got transferred to Texas. And they have this drink called the bong hitter where they light the drink on fire and then blow it out and you inhale the smoke take the shot and exhale a cloud of smoke.

Vodka Martini with Dolin dry Vermouth and garlic-stuffed olives.

Edit: also, first time trying a new roasted barley tea. 99 Ranch was out of the regular stuff. Decent price and zero caffeine. Great for daily, afternoon sipping without getting the jitters.

I go with broke bitch at my local bar. Old Crow and Black Label beer. Cheapest way to get drunk in the neighborhood