An announcement about the new Valve game could be coming soon, after a mysterious update on Steam

nanoUFO@sh.itjust.worksmod to – 119 points –
An announcement about the new Valve game could be coming soon, after a mysterious update on Steam

Half Life 3 confirmed

Most braindead comment that could be made

You must be new to the internet. Welcome, we have memes. Some are older than others. One old meme was spaming "Half Life 3 confirmed" when any valve news happens.

I hope you can better enjoy the internet now that you know tjis! And again, welcome!

A related meme is that every time someone jokes about HL3 it gets delayed even more 😆

I've been seeing this dumb shit for decades. You've explained nothing here.

Bruh, it's a meme. Use a Britta to filter the piss out of your cornflakes and grow a sense of humor

I know what a meme is, kid. Quit trying to act superior. Get a life.

settle down son, the internet elders are speaking

Bitch, I'm 47 😐

You didn't calm down in your old age? Go shake your cane at some clouds in a different yard gramps.

Interesting, you sound like a 12 year old on Fortnite.

Aaaawwwww im swooooorrrry

Your comment is more useless than the meme comment you were responding to.

Don't like something, scroll on.

Are you being pissy just to be pissy?

Eat me

Take a breather, walk away from the internet. Touch some grass. Go do something productive with your time instead of being an insignificant sad angry little person.

Have the day you deserve

1 more...
1 more...
1 more...

Unfortunately, it's a new game probably named Deadlock. Not hl3.

A new hero shooter just does not sound interesting to me, even if it is valve…

If it could fill the void left by Overwatch 1 being taken out back and shot, I'll play it.

It's really really good, you'll like it :)


TF was basically the original hero shooter anyway. What is it missing, Ults? Medic even had that, it's called ubercharge.

I've been waiting a long time for Titan Fall 3. That's what you mean right? It couldn't be anything else could it? Definitely not.

It's a hero shooter/MOBA and IceFrog (DotA designer) is working on it. That's enough on top of the Valve factor to at least make me curious, even though I otherwise share your sentiment.

Man, I remember the days when IceFrog was this new name that had appeared out of nowhere to revive 5.84c.

You're more venerable than me, then. I only started playing a bit after he took over, around 6.10 or so I would say. I heard of the old versions by Eul and Guinsoo, but I never actually played any of them I think.

Isn’t TF2 a hero shooter?

It's kinda funny since overwatch was being thought of as a tf2 come back in the days.

Half Life 3: Deadlock confirmed

I've heard the explanation that they're not working on the half life series because they want to have bigger leaps in innovation, but then they work on a moba/hero shooter.

They're not working on the half life series because there's no way they'll ever live up to the hype that's built up. Best to let sleeping dogs lie.

"We outsourced development of Episode 3 to finish telling the story."

Easy way to finish the arc while squashing hype.

They have all the talent, budget and time they would ever need. No amount of hype will ever detract from a good game. Hell even cyberpunk managed to stay afloat after a disastrous launch and will be remembered positively by people that played the patched versions. I don't believe the hype thing either.

A landing of Covenant troop carriers at Disney World also could be coming soon.

It's time for Prospero to finally shine, nearly 30 years later!

I've been playing the playtest version and I find the game is just okay. It's basically exactly like Dota but 3rd person and with movement mechanics like dashing/slide/double jump. It feels and looks great but there's just so much going on that it feels like I'm constantly missing something. I think the skill ceiling will be incredibly high.