Stretching to Lemmy – 604 points –

I've been thinking about it for several days, and have come to the conclusion that Elastigirl could indeed grow a dick. As shown in multiple scenes, she can stretch any part of her body to make it many times larger. Based on what she has done, it should be no problem for her to extend her genitals into a penis. This brings us to the second discussion point. Mr. Incredible has super-strength, and more importantly, super endurance. This means that his wife could easily expand her dick to several yards in length. The problem of fitting in into Bob's tight asshole could easily be solved by inserting it while small, and ballooning up afterwards. I think the writers made them have these Specific powers on purpose. It seems unlikely that it is a coincidence that Helen has the ability to grow a massive dick, and her husband just so happens to have an indestructible anus. Therefore I conclude that not only does Elastigirl have the biggest dick in the world, she bones Mr. Incredible with it on a regular basis. And because it is a girl and a guy, it is by definition, not gay

Please invite me to the defense of the thesis, I'll sit in the back and ask relevant questions that you can answer easily and allows you to show off your intellectual prowess at the same time.

I appreciate the effort you put into writing this. Not the result, but at least the effort.

More importantly:

The only reason they hooked up in the first place was that her powers allowed her to take that Incredidick™ without dying.

It's the, ah, finish that's the danger.

Basically this:

(I'm sorry)

Before you even get to the ...catastrophic finish, Every thrust would be a danger of either getting thrown across the room or getting crushed, unless you're...

... flexible.

To the person who flagged this NSFW because of the language, you probably will not last long on Lemmy if "clit" and "dick" (misspelled) are too not safe for where you work.

If we can’t say dick it makes it hard to discuss my favorite detective in the Ace Attorney series.

NSFW since 1948:

And I'm sorry the shortened form of a medical term for a part of the human anatomy is too harsh a thing for certain sensitive eyes.

What medical term is that?

Seriously? (Now that link is NSFW.)

Holy hell that's a good looking vagina.

Thought you were defending the other word used

Try saying both of those words to a coworker or customer and let me know how SFW the meme is

Try not looking at shitposts if your coworkers and customers can't handle scary words considering the community is called Lemmy SHITpost.

Or figure out what NSFW means, I guess 🤷

Are you that bad at social interactions?

Oh noes, scawy words 😘

No one is saying those words to coworkers. They're looking at a meme with words that really aren't that bad in a forum with shit in the title and complaining about words on a screen that aren't appropriate at work. Like the word shit.


Rule 34, don't you fail me now!!

Based on random deviant art from just logging in you wont be disappointed.

I'm pretty sure the fanart of that exists somewhere. Rules 34 and 35, y'know.

She could, but it would be hard to keep it hardened long enough or tough enough for it to be used that way. She's not a fucking pokemon after all...

Wouldn't it be too sensitive to fuck with?

Presumably the nerves wouldn't multiply and they'd be spread out, creating a faux penis in a process that wasn't entirely dissimilar from evolution's.

Well she'd probably accelerate up to teenage-boy initial orgasm speed, but because she's a woman she could just keep going until she's had enough of them. And presumably the nerve endings would be more dispersed due to stretching.

That's enough Internet for today!

Does she gain more nerve endings from stretching her clit or once it hits football size does it feel no different than a finger?

Anatomically the external part of the clit is the same structure as the dick in a male. So I am guessing that making it penis sized would result in the same sensitivity as a regular male penis.