Asking the real to – 271 points – 1 months ago6Post a CommentPreviewHotTopNewOldThe good old days when we thought Bush was the most stupid president the US could ever have.I mean even under dubya, it was still Reagan.That’s the kind of political violence I can stand behind! (jk)Why jk. You want more violence or less towards extremely crooked politics? I am the kind that would enjoy the use of the guillotine in such cases."My cousin's store, currently offering a three for two sale"Asking the real questions over here
The good old days when we thought Bush was the most stupid president the US could ever have.I mean even under dubya, it was still Reagan.
That’s the kind of political violence I can stand behind! (jk)Why jk. You want more violence or less towards extremely crooked politics? I am the kind that would enjoy the use of the guillotine in such cases.
Why jk. You want more violence or less towards extremely crooked politics? I am the kind that would enjoy the use of the guillotine in such cases.
The good old days when we thought Bush was the most stupid president the US could ever have.
I mean even under dubya, it was still Reagan.
That’s the kind of political violence I can stand behind!
Why jk. You want more violence or less towards extremely crooked politics?
I am the kind that would enjoy the use of the guillotine in such cases.
"My cousin's store, currently offering a three for two sale"
Asking the real questions over here