Man kidnaps 2-year-old, throws her into drain after 'rape attempt' in Uttar Pradesh to – 131 points –
Man kidnaps 2-year-old, throws her into drain after 'rape attempt' in Uttar Pradesh - Times of India

What an utter hellhole to live in if you're a girl or woman.

Or a man. Having your daughters kidnapped and raped ain't too nice either. I won't dare call a place a hellhole without actually living there but...

India isn't really somewhere I would like to live considering the crime (and the climate and a bunch of other reasons)

That's the third horrific story out of India today alone. Fuckin' hell.

Because OP does nothing but post about terrible things happening in India.

Your comment just made me check their post history and yeah, that's a bit strange...

Maybe they're Indian.

They do appear to be Indian and have a quite complicated post history including support for the IDF, despite the Islamic username. It's nice to see someone with truly unique views and perspective on here even if I don't agree.

Maybe they're Muslim and have something against India. An ML I knew in college was a Muslim sympathizer native to a nearby country, and she was super weird about it.

There is a huge population of Muslims in India. This person posts as if they are currently living in India and criticizes the law and cultural as someone who is part of it. So idk, it's like all of us complaining about the US

India has a population of 1.4 billion people. There being 3 horrific stories within a day does not say much. You seeing 3 such stories says more about your media than India.

Come on India, get your shit together!

There's going to be a bunch of weird crimes in a country with a billion people, but there's obviously some systemic issues at hand as well. It's just that maybe you should bring those up when criticizing the place instead of just reacting to a singular act?

Like, India has a bunch of problems with systemic misogyny but not kidnap infants systemic problems.

Are you that same guy that got banned before? Or are you a new guy posting lots of bad stories out of UP?

Different guy, same schtick. Or at least the accounts have both been active since before the other guy got banned.

Are these sorts of crimes not actually worse in UP? I feel like I saw these sorts of stories on Reddit too before making the switch.

If it isn’t significantly worse in that region of India, then where is all this UP hate coming from online, and why?

::: spoiler India Times - News Source Context (Click to view Full Report) Information for India Times:

MBFC: Right-Center - Credibility: Medium - Factual Reporting: Mixed - India
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::: spoiler The Times of India - News Source Context (Click to view Full Report) Information for The Times of India:

MBFC: Right-Center - Credibility: Medium - Factual Reporting: Mixed - India
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Just a reminder that India (Population: 1.4 Billon) has about 90 reported rapes per day, while the United States (Population: 333 Million) has about 365 reported rapes per day.

That means the USA has a per-capita reported rape rate 16x higher than India.

Everyone in this thread talking about how rapey India is are just being racist trash.

Reported rape

That, right there makes all the difference

Key word reported

Rapes are underreported everywhere, but a 16:1 ratio is crazy and isn't attributable to any difference in reporting rate (which is difficult to quantify anyway).

At the end of the day you only hear about the reported rapes, so if you're relying on anecdotal evidence that India is worse about this, you're wrong.

India just has a huge population, and westerners love focusing on negative news internationally.